Established in 1974 Lawnmower Services is conveniently located in Morningside, Edinburgh. We sell, service and repair a wide range of garden equipment and machinery including lawnmowers, Ride-on mowers, chainsaws, blowers, hedge trimmers, line trimmers and more. Our friendly, reliable and highly experienced staff are known for their exceptional advice, integrity and of course, their fantastic customer service.

The safety of our customers, colleagues and the communities we serve is our number one priority. We are monitoring the evolving situation very carefully and making decisions daily to ensure we protect everyone during this difficult period.
We are compliant to UK / Scottish Government advice
We’re still open for Click & Collect !
Your local Lawnmower Service centre is still open for Click & Collect. We’ve put extra safety measures in place so you can collect safely.
We've taken the following steps as a business to help prevent the spread of coronavirus;
Shop in Morningside is OPEN!
(Restrictive measures are in place)
Please note that we cannot help you lift mowers from your car.
We can however collect from your premises. Please call 0131 447 3706 for this service.
Mon - Friday 9am - 5pm
Sat / Sun - closed
We are working hard to keep Lawnmower Services operational as we continue to serve our customers through this difficult period.
Our staff will be able to advise & support via
telephone (leave message) & email.
0131 447 3706
Email: mowersales@aol.com
Lawnmower Services Morningside are dealers for: